Yi Shan

Founding Partner

  • Criminal Law
  • Civil& Commercial Dispute Resolution
  • Corporation Law
  • Nanjing University LL. B
  • Tilburg University LL.M
  • PRC Bar
  • Mandarin
  • English


Ms. Shan is the founding partner, and managing partner of Jiangsu PaiTing Law Firm. She advised clients from a wide range of sectors, including financial institutes, retail, manufacturing, banking, and food industry. She has a strong local connection and her practicing area include criminal law, contract issues, mediation and the formation of business entities.

Ms. Shan is the committee member of Changzhou Wujin Legal Advisors committee, director member of Jiangsu Outstanding Youth Association, and director of Women’s association of Wujin. She had been retained as counsel for various entities including multinational corporations, electronic manufactures, financial institutions, and etc. She is also a guest speaker of Changzhou TV Channel, and qualified herself as a security-law qualified attorney.  

Representative Cases